Welcome to Children's Ministry at Prince of Peace
Children's Religious Education (VPK-5th Grade)
We love young families at Prince of Peace!
- Our Children's Religious Education sessions are on Sundays from 9:30 - 10:45 am in the Religious Education Building
- The goal of our program is to help children and families become life-long disciples of Jesus Christ
- We believe in 3 F's: Fun, Friendly & and Faithful to authentic Catholic Doctrine and Tradition.
Please, fill out the registration form found below for sessions in the upcoming 2024-2025 year
of growing in Faith. If you have children in 6, 7, and 8th grades, click on Middle Grades and register your children for PowerUp (Religious Education for Middle Graders)
The sessions will begin on Sunday, September 8 with children and parents (at least one parent needs to attend)
Looking forward to journey in faith with your children and with you :-)
We always welcome those who would like to donate their time and talent toward either Religious Education or Adult Formation.
Please, see the form below listing opportunities that are calling your name.
Every first Sunday of the month, our parish has a special liturgy for families and children to pray and worship together at the Sunday 11am Mass.
Features of the Family Mass include:
Music appealing to the children sung by our Children's Choir
Homilies meaningful to both children and adults
Families serving as gift bearers and lectors
The video below might help you with preparing your child for participation at Mass
For more information, please contact the Director of Discipleship, Sr. Rose Urbanczyk, at 386-672-5272 or e-mail: dod@princeofpeaceormond.com