
Taking time to learn more about the Church’s teachings on marriage can help you better understand how to live out this beautiful sacrament and experience the happiness and peace that flow from a marriage blessed by God. 

The Sacrament of Marriage is a beautiful covenant and mystery, strengthened by God’s love. God intended the relationship between a man and woman in marriage to mirror the love between Christ and His Church. Because of the sacredness of this union between husband and wife, Christ provided the Church with many graces that flow from the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, as a means of assisting husbands and wives to love each other with a deep and holy love.

Spouses are given the grace to love each other with the love which Christ loved his Church. The grace of this sacrament perfects the love of spouses, strengthens their unity and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.

St. Paul speaks to us in his letter to the Ephesians(5:22-33) about the love that unites a couple in the sacrament of Marriage, as reflecting the love that unites Christ to us, the Church. 

Please contact our Parish Office at least six months in advance for more information at 386-672-5272.

See the following video on the Sacrament of Marriage....

What is the Catholic view of marriage and why is it important?

Looking to strengthen or rekindle your marriage? Consider attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter with your spouse.

Click here to visit the website and learn more.