POwer uP Middle School Ministry

POwer uP Middle School Youth Ministry


Wednesdays 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Early Drop off is from 4pm to 6pm





Medical Conditions Information: (Reasonable steps will be taken to keep this information confidential, but it will be shared with Diocesan personnel and others, as warranted.)

In the event the participant does not have insurance, payment in full for medical care becomes the responsibility of the participant's parent/guardian.

Photography and Image Assignment, Waiver, and Release

Consent Form for Electronic Communication with Minors: In order to ensure utmost transparency and parental involvement, the Diocese of Orlando has created this consent form so that parents and guardians may select how ministry leaders communicate electronically with minors. Any and all digital networking and communication Including but not limited to, email, texting. Facebook, Twitter, other Social Networking sites, etc, with parish youth/school/organization will be ministry related and NOT personal in nature, restricted to matter concerning classes, youth ministry events, parish events, school events, athletic/event schedule or registration forms. This form will be filed in a confidential folder for parish/school/organizational use only. The person(s) being authorized to communicate with the minor child is In compliance with the Diocese of Orlando Safe Environment Policy with this parish/school.






















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What is Edge? Video



Parent/Guardian Medical Release Form

Parent/Guardian Photo Release Form

Parent/Guardian Social Media Consent Form 

Parent/Guardian Safe Environment Consent Form


For Any/All Off-Property Events

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