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Cardinal Parolin meets Ukrainian President, reaffirms commitment for peace

The Vatican Secretary of State is received in Kyiv by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to whom he conveys the Pope's solidarity and the Holy See's commitment to help find "a just and lasting peace".

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UN police mission reviving some hope in gang-ravaged Haiti

Father Claudy Duclervil, Director of Radio Télé Soleil in Port-au-Prince, speaks to Vatican News about the current law and order situation in Haiti and Haitians’ hopes, following the recent installation of the transitional government and the deployment of Kenya-led international police force to help combat gangs.

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5 things to know about St. Bridget of Sweden, mystic and mother

St. Bridget of Sweden. / Credit: Carlston Marcks, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

CNA Staff, Jul 23, 2024 / 04:00 am (CNA).

On July 23, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Bridget of Sweden, a mystic of the Middle Ages who was a wife, mother to a large family, lady-in-waiting to a queen, and founder of a religious order that still exists today.

1. St. Bridget experienced her first vision at age 10.

Bridget, or “Birgitta,” was born to wealthy, devout parents in Sweden in the year 1303. Her mother died early in her life, and she and her siblings were raised by their aunt. At 10 years old, Bridget had a vision of Christ on the cross in his agonizing suffering. In her vision, Bridget saw Christ with his wounds from Good Friday, with the wounds of “The Man of Sorrows” in Isaiah 53. She asked Jesus who hurt him, and he responded: “Those who despise me and refuse my love for them.” She would go on to write about these revelations; her works were published posthumously. 

2. Bridget served in the royal court of Sweden. 

Bridget was married in 1316 at the young age of 13 to 18-year-old Ulf Gudmarsson, the Swedish prince of Nericia. The two joined the Third Order of St. Francis and dedicated their resources to building a hospital and caring for the needs of the poor. Ulf served on the council of the king of Sweden, Magnus Eriksson, and the king asked Bridget to be a lady-in-waiting for his wife, Queen Blanche of Namur. 

3. Bridget was a mother to eight children, and one of them became a saint.

Bridget and Ulf raised a large family together while also serving the poor and managing their duties in court. Of Bridget’s eight children, two died in infancy, and another two died in the Crusades. Two of their surviving children were married, and another two joined religious life. One of those two became a saint and was canonized St. Catherine of Sweden.  

4. Bridget founded a religious order, the Bridgettines, after her husband died.

Bridget and Ulf made a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela between 1341 and 1343, but on their return trip, Ulf became ill. The couple stopped in France until Ulf regained his health, but soon after they returned to Sweden, in 1344, he passed away. 

After his death, Bridget donated her belongings to the poor and devoted her life to Christ, following a call from God to start a new religious order. 

She founded the Order of the Most Holy Savior, now known as the Brigittines, in 1346, and her congregation was approved by Pope Urban V in 1370. The Brigittines were to be led by an abbess and constitute both nuns and priests. The priests, who lived in a separate section, served as chaplains and confessors for the nuns.

King Magnus helped Bridget make the Abbey of Vadstena the home of the Brigittines. He donated a small palace and land for the new monastery.

But Bridget would never see her work come to fruition. She had a vision from Christ calling her to return to Rome and await the pope’s return from France during the Avignon Papacy. She never became a nun herself, and she never saw the monastery in Vadstena. She died several years before the pope’s permanent return to Rome. 

But her order spread through Europe and still exists today in both contemplative monasteries and apostolic convents, with branches in 19 countries including Sweden, Norway, Poland, Italy, Israel, India, the Philippines, Mexico, and the United States. 

5. St. Bridget is the co-patroness of Europe.

After Bridget died in Rome on July 23, 1373, her children brought her remains back to the headquarters of her religious order. Less than 20 years later, in 1391, Pope Boniface IX proclaimed her a saint. Her revelations and writings on the sufferings of Christ were published after her death. In 1999, St. John Paul II chose her as one of the three female co-patronesses of Europe, along with St. Catherine of Siena and St. Edith Stein.

Scores dead in Ethiopia landslides

Residents of two southern Ethiopian villages have reportedly been using bare hands to dig through dirt in search of landslide survivors in a remote, mountainous area southwest of the capital Addis Ababa.

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World Health Organization 'extremely concerned' about polio risk in Gaza

The World Health Organization is concerned about the possibility of an outbreak of the highly contagious polio virus in Gaza.

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Pope Francis mourns former President of Vietnam

Pope Francis sends a message of condolences and prayers for the death of the former President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, the General Secretary of the Communist Party.

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Papal Envoys reveal World Mission Sunday 2024 Materials

During a special reception on the sidelines of the 10th National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis, Indiana, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle and Cardinal Christophe Pierre underline the impact of supporting World Mission Sunday, which will be observed on October 20th, for more than 1,100 territories around the world that are struggling.

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Chaldean bishops insist on two-state solution in Holy Land

Wrapping up their annual Synod in Baghdad, the Iraqi bishops express their deep concern over the impact of the war in Gaza on the entire region, and reaffirm two-state solution as the only way for a lasting peace.

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Knowing when to step down

In "L’Osservatore Romano", the deputy director of Vatican media, Alessandro Gisotti, writes on Joe Biden and the value of saying farewell. The decision by the American president recalls the decision made by Nelson Mandela in 1999 when he chose not to run for a second term as South Africa’s president.

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Sudanese civilians subjected to horrendous levels of violence

Fifteen months of ferocious civil war in Sudan has killed over 150,000 people and forced more than nine million to flee their homes and their lands.

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